Friday, May 27, 2005

My destination today for lunch and the size of my gut

Ok Folks.. Ive raved about it previously.. (see yesterday) now Im heading there for lunch.. Ive finally won over my co workers and we are going to make our pilgrimage to Christian's Tailgate (Christians Totem) for lunch today. I liken it to the annual pilgrimage to Mecca except that its not about Religion or Mecca.. or for that matter anything. so.. in summation that is possibly the worst comparison ever.. oh well. life goes on.

On the other hand.. people dont know how to drive when there is an ambulance or other emergence vehicle with lights flashing.. News flash..
#1. There are people out there that can multi task. If you can good job!! thats awesome.
if you turn into a retard as soon as your cell phone rings DONT TALK WHEN YOUR DRIVING. there s nothing quite as exiliherating passing a person in the slow lane on 45 when they are in the fast lane going at least 20 miles under the speed limit to look over and see them a chatting away on a cell phone.. Right there.. I should have the right to pull them over and have them stand with their hands over there head and kick them straight in the nuts. Because that is some stupid A** stuff.. Ok.. im better.. Hey.. Amy.. might need to borrow those road rage driving cards you told me about..

everyone have a good memorial day.. ! remember what it is for.. Visit !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nick, there is no "might" about it. there is help out there and you can make it. but in case you can't, here are some helpful phrases to put around your car, under your visor, etc.

1) I don't have to get there first.
2) (in reference to bumper stickers)Just because someone else has a different opinion, it doesn't mean I have to believe it.
3) I am responsible for me.

Ok, there you go. Practice one a week for the next three weeks and then reward yourself with one of those yum burgers, which i do want by the way. (w/bacon/cheese of course)


12:34 PM  

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