Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Sad return - Bittersweet Story

Ok. I must have missed out on this whole internet phenomenon and the people I have talked to about it don't have any idea.. So I'm going to go ahead and try to spread it some more. It all started so long ago .. Actually, when I say so long ago, I mean this morning..... Trust me time moves SLLLLOOOOOWWWW at my work.. but my wife sent me this cute picture of a rabbit with a pancake on its head.. I pretty much laughed until co-workers came to check if I had finally gone over the hill. So, my interest piqued, I had to do a little internet digging and quickly I uncovered an amazing story of a Japanese man and his amazing pet rabbit, Oolong. I'll let you do the discovering, all of the pictures are still on his website, which is in Japanese. Also, these links might help you discover more of the story..

http://www.syberpunk.com/cgi-bin/index.pl?page=oolong - summary website

well, as it is in all things, an end must come and Oolong passed away

http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/002240.html - summary website

However, Oolong's owner found a new rabbit to share his love with. Here is their website

http://www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~yuebing/ - new rabbit with link to old rabbit (oolong)

If your a pet lover, or really if you have a heart at all, Oolong and his owner's story will tug at your heart.

I plan on checking the new rabbit's website often (Yuebing is her name!)

so long all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey nick, these are great. they are so cute, don't you want to run out and buy a bunny rabbit? =)


11:42 AM  

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