Thursday, December 29, 2005

Just Two Questions

1. Why is it that the person in front of me in the HOV lane almost always is driving slower than the main lanes? I mean honestly, dude, if you are that scared to drive, don't.

2. Why do any places of employment actually expect work to be accomplished in the week between Christmas and New Years. Really, its like one constant social hour. Its like trying to work in the tavern. hmmmmmm.... speaking of tavern.. Beer at work would be really good.... really really good..

This has been -"Just Two Questions"

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Short post on the Sweet Sweet News here in H-town

Yes Folks, H-town... Home of Mike Jones, Swishahouse, The Rockets, Urban Sprawl and also home of channel 11 news. Man, I cannot believe what just happened. The big story tonight, the fireworks ban in the City and what it means. The reporter on location at any of the 1 million fireworks stands that are set up right off any of the main roads in town. As she is talking she turns and says, the fireworks stand pyrotechnics crew will demonstrate some of the fireworks. The camera pans over. I lean forward expecting to see highly trained professionals light off an awe inspiring display. However, 5 teenagers (the pyrotechnic crew) come out with lighters to start the display. They scurry off to a safe distance as our big time reporter continues to talk about the fireworks maybe 20 feet away. The fireworks start to go off. That's the last word you heard for the remaining 2 minutes of that sorry report. Its not that the reporter stopped talking .. You just could not hear her. Then enter in a neighborhood dog who is jumping all over the place. Then one of the fireworks tips over and shoots out across the road. The camera pans up to see the rest of the fireworks exploding into the main powerline for the fireworks store and countless of other businesses/homes on that street. Honestly, this comedy of errors is why the majority of news on TV and on radio sucks. Way to go Channel 11. You suck. F minus.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Memories Shared

Howdy Folks, Christmas time has past us by and our trash cans are full of paper and our families are full of love. This Christmas found me and my lovely wife spending time with her parents and my wonderful daughter spending time with my parents at my brothers house with his family. (Holy Crap.. that was a run-on WHEW!) My other two children spent time with their Mom in California where they live (more on them later.. or maybe when they get here I will have my podcast together so I can intro them properly). But, I wanted to share a quick thought or two with yall before work started again. Also, to show you what a wonderful family Im part of. Geeze, I got lucky.. really..
This pic shows my three cousins.. the wee peeps and my daughter, Tori, who towers over them like a 13 year old would tower over a 5, 3 and a 6 month old.

This is Tori in Action
She is a great figure skater, I dont know if she landed this.. but for the hell of it, lets say she did.

On a completly different topic, on our 4 hour car drive to San Antonio, we listened to about 10 episodes of The Bitterest Pill, 5 episodes of Cush - Things I say and the entire first season of Dr. Floyd. I love each of these podcasts. It has led me to start thinking about a podcast of my own. What do yall think? Any ideas, rumminations or general thoughts? Let me have em if you got em!

Friday, December 23, 2005

I Love my Boss

So, today is the day before we leave for Christmas vacation here at my work. And, if you have been reading you have often heard me complain about my work and the fact that it is not really what I want to do forever and ever amen. But, in all honesty, its not that bad. The bossman, keeping up one of his best traditions is taken us all out to an alcohol laden lunch at a local mexican joint called El Tiempo. Yum.. Yum.. Yum.. .. Not for the food.. But for the margaritas.. I've been sick all week and this is going to be good!.. PS. Sidonie, if you're reading this.. I might not be able to pick you up early from work today.. I might be taking a nappy poo in my office. .! ha!
Oh yeah, I don't really love my boss but I do respect him because he is not a micro manager. and he seems to genuinely care about his subordinates. Something I appreciate greatly.

To continue on Podcasts I have found..
1. Dan Klass turned me on to a great podcast called Cush - Things I say check it out.. each show has a rating of its own.. some are good for all ears.. some are not.. so lets be smart out there kiddos!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

I can tell its that time of year!!!!

Ah Ha! Yes Folks, it is hear.. Perhaps one of the finest shows ever to be made. A show that I can sit and actually watch for the 24 hours TNT plays it. Save the time spent eating or pooping. But, this blog is not about POOP. Trust me .. There are way to many blogs that are. Well, For those of you who know me, I actually spent an entire year of my youth being called Ralph because, before my hair started to go on vacation to Cabo San Lucas (why its going there.. I have no idea..But I like to think its going away to somewhere nice where it can relax) I looked pretty much just like ol' Ralph here. And surprisingly, I did many of the same things he did as a kid... Ah.. The good days.. So, In summation, I recommend this movie to all. In fact, a friend of my wife's and mine's, named Marysia has never even seen this movie.. Honestly, Marysia.. That's like Un-Christmas.. Really, I was dropping all of these references and she was going along with it. I thought I was being funny, in reality, yeah.. Not so much.. OY VEY! So, it is my Christmas wish this year that Marysia watches A Christmas Story. Well, I know its hard to believe, but Im once again on a tangent I didn't mean to go down at all. So back to why I wanted to post today.

I mentioned on my link list yesterday about JimKs podcast. My brother introduced me to The Starkcast. The starkcast is just as it is titled. Jim discusses his opinions openly and typically in a very hilarious manner. Even if he is a little vulgar and disturbing at times. Basically, if you cant get past that and understand the meaning behind it. DON'T GO THERE.. Honestly, if your not prepared for it, its not worth your time.

BUT, KIDS, THAT'S NOT ALL!!! .. My brother did something else for me.. He opened my eyes to the world of podcasting. Yes, Im in the darkages. Ok, hold your breath here folks.. But I don't even own an IPOD. I know, that's like not ever seeing The Christmas Story. Well, maybe not quite as bad, but almost. So, now my eyes are opened.. I probably will start to piece the stuff together to turn this site into a podcast instead of a blog, more fun that way!

This is another blog I found today and of course fell in love with. The Bitterest Pill is a great podcast by Dan Klass from LA. This is a much more audience friendly blog than The Starkcast. Dan navigates daily life and discusses his adventures with his family, including his sometime (but not often enough) co-host Hudson (who also happens to be his 6 yr old son). I recommend this blog for everyone.

All right folks! Time for me to log off and try to figure out what stuff I need to get to start my podcast. Dan, if you ever read this.. Drop me a line for some helpful pointers..

Merry Christmas! See you after the break!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Me Posted by Picasa

So.. Guess what, all of you millions of people (ok.. two persons) who read my blog I now have pictures.. I actually took the time to download Picasa. Picasa is a photo sharing tool. Not the easiest to use in the world.. BUT ITS FREE.. and as long as its costing me zero dollars.. Im down for a little extra time dealing with this "bloggerbot". So, as you can tell, this is me.. and Im somewhere not in the US.. but as you can also see, I should probably not be doing what I am doing.. so Ill stop my story there before the black CIA helicopters show up to take me away!

PS.. for a good laugh search for "Lazy Sunday" on google and look at the music video from Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell. Prepare to have milk shoot out your nose.. even if your not drinking milk.. Wierd huh?

Holy Cow.. a new post

Well Folks!
Happy Christmas to all who read this.. Even a Happy Christmas to michelhunor09610564 who decided to use my blog as an advertisement for his crappy mortgage rate ad. Way to go you complete looser. I know thats not the spirit of the holiday.. So, to you, michelhunor09610564, I hope you have a good Christmas. Thanks for thinking I gave a s**t about your crappy company. See, a good thought and a bad thought.. Lets try a few more. Michelhunor09610564, I hope your family has a great new year... AND....... I hope your computer blows up and you loose every email or business link you ever had. Ok.. Karma bank account at an even balance. Now Ive turned on this word verification thing for all the millions of visitors to my blog. Seriously though, michelloosenor or micheldorkinor or whatever your name is. Get a f'in life.

Rack me.
Im out